The obvious follow up to my previous construct has a very simple and direct answer:
It doesn't matter.
Whatever you do or say or support from a political standpoint really makes no difference at all. We live in quite the fantasy if we think who we vote or campaign or cheer for from the couch really has any kind of impact. Truly, we have no power and are simply game pieces be to moved and sacrificed when the time is right. We promote with bumper stickers and read the cue cards they give us.
Think for a moment about how much effort it takes to impact a community, much less a nation, in any capacity. Jesus Christ! Have you ever been to a city council or a school board meeting?!?! Monotonous dribble until there is some crisis and then they "allow" the general public to come and complain...everyone gets their 3 minute tirade. It can take months of concerted effort to get a stop sign moved or a gutter repaired - imagine some type of real policy change that has the peoples best interest in mind and not the politicians? Hard to do, isn't it. See if you can get your congressperson or senator on the phone?
Once on a bathroom wall I read this philosophical insight:
"If voting really made a difference - do you think it would be legal?"
Why is getting involved in the political system NOT worth it? Simple: You will be let down. You'll work yourself into a frenzy and then quietly slip to the back of the crowd when held accountable for a platform you never endorsed or actions you can't stomach.
Give up on this fraudulent system and find another way outside the lines.
Ivan L